The Fish Tank
Cathy Gentry, Technology Teacher


1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
BRES Projects

Hi, I'm Mrs. Gentry,

Just wanted to let you know a little bit about myself. I am married, and we have two children. They go to school at West Jefferson. My son is in the fifth grade and my daughter is in the second grade. My husband works for Blue Ridge Electric which is fun for the kids because both parents work at Blue Ridge!
We have three yellow labs and one white cat. They all keep us busy. I spend my afternoons playing suttle bus. A typical week for me is soccer practice twice a week, dance class once a week, and Kids club at church once a week. Throw in a few orthodontist appointments and you can begin to get the picture.

I graduated from Appalachian State University in 1987. I taught in Avery County for a year. Then I worked for New River Mental Health for a year and a half. Following that I began working for Ashe County Schools. So along the way I have taught birth through twelth grade except tenth. I am certified K-9 with Social Sciences, Reading, and of course Computers. I have been in the computer lab for six years.

I love playing around on computers and reading! I also enjoy canoing, biking, hiking, and a little camping. My favorite vacation is going to the beach.

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This is what you call a self photo. I held the camera out and took this myself. I don't recommend this method!

The computer lab is located in the center section of the building in room 103. We call it the fish tank thanks to some beautiful art work by Bessie Clay. The room has no windows, so we pretend we are under the sea. We surf alot in the lab, get it?

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