The Fish Tank
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
BRES Projects

Welcome to Blue Ridge Elementary Computer Lab Web Page

Sunset Over Water

Faculty & Staff I think we need to do an afterschool staff development on portfolios. You know those spines, databases, and business cards. Please let me know what day works best for you so we can schedule a day or two.

Kindergarten is learning all of the tricks in KidPix.

First Grade is using KidPix to do somethings with letters and letter sounds.

Second Grade is feeling kinda "Froggy" ask them all about frogs.

Third grade is keyboarding away. We are enjoying our NEW Type To Learn 3 Progam. Give them a hand they are very working hard.

Fourth grade is jumping around quite a bit this nine weeks. We are working with several projects using word processing.

Fifth grade is into Kaleidoscope and we just love it. We are working on goals and dreams, whoa what fun! What do you want to be when you grow up?

Sixth graders have begun to work with spreadsheets. We are completing a gradebook in AppleWorks. I hope they all get 100's.

Have a Great Year!

Equipment Needs updated August 28, 2002

Macintosh machines: D. Powers, M. Turner, G. Wilcox, W. Brown, S. Johnson, J. Little, J. Blevins, E. Barker

Wish List

Smart Board

Palm Pilot

2 digital camera bags

external floppy drives for iMacs (15)

Printer Needs

J. Little new printer
D. Richardson, Ink Cartridge for HP Deskjet

Gifts received:

Clipart of a pencil; Actual size=135 pixels wide