The Fish Tank


1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
BRES Projects

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Penguins; Actual size=248 pixels wide

Adelie Penguin, King Penguin, Chinstrap Penguin, Magellanic Penguin, Emperor Penguin, Rockhopper Penguin, Galapagos Penguin, Little Blue (Fairy) Penguin, Gentoo Penguin, and Yellow-eyed Penguin

The students will use technology to gather data on Penguins. The teacher and students will create a classroom display from the information provided. The grade one students will be introduced to some different species of penguins and be able to discuss their similarities and differences.

1. You and your teacher will read the stories listed below -
The Emporer's Egg
Tacky the Penguin

2. In a word processing document list 5 ways you are different. Print this document with a cool font and color and your name. We will use this later in our Penguin Books.

3. Your teacher will assign you a species of penguin to learn about.

4. You will receive the Penguin Fact Chart to help as a guide to find information needed for the bulleting board.

5. The teacher will use "Network Assistant" to review the following:
a) how to log onto the server
b) how to connect to the internet browser
c) how to use the scroll bar
d) how to locate the "webquest assignment"
e) how to locate the information for their penguin fact chart

6. The student will fill out the Penguin Fact Chart with the needed facts that are requested and do not forget to draw a picture of your penguin.

7. Write a story from the perspective of a penguin. Use the lined penguin paper.

8. After students have filled out the penguin Fact chart and written their penguin stories, the teacher and the class will organize, discuss, draw conclusions and make deductions about the life of the penguin.

9. As a class using "Network Assistant" create a graph to show different sizes of different species of penguins.

10. Use a Venn Diagram to compare two species of penguins.

11. Discuss the problem of how penguins stay warm. Use "Staying Warm" activity.

12. How Do Emperor Penguins keep their eggs warm? Do the activity.

13. Quiz about Penguins.

14. All the gathered information will be used to create a Penguin bulletin board showing the different penguins discussed.

15. Make a class booklet of the students printed stories about themselves as a penguin.


Staying Warm Activity Blubber Glove

How Do Emperor Penguins keep their eggs warm?

Quiz About Penguins

Penguin Adaptation

Pete & Barb's Penguin Pages

KidZone Penguins

Hoiho Penguins


Mrs. Gentry needs your help to make a "Penguin Information bulletin board" for the lab. She would like each student to help her find information about penguins for this bulletin board. Do you think you will be able to help?

Congratulations! You have now become a Penguin Expert. Mrs. Gentry is very proud and thankful for your help with the bulletin board display that will help the other students in the school to know more about penguins.